
Monday9am - 8pm
Tuesday9am - 8pm
Wednesday9am - 8pm
Thursday9am - 8pm
Friday9am - 8pm
Saturday9am - 7pm
Sunday11am - 6pm

Individual store times may vary please see store websites for details.


Monday6:30am - Late
Tuesday6:30am - Late
Wednesday6:30am - Late
Thursday6:30am - Late
Friday6:30am - Late
Saturday6:30am - Late
Sunday6:30am - Late

Individual resturant times may vary please see store websites for details.


Monday1:30pm - 9:30pm
Tuesday1:30pm - 9:30pm
Wednesday1:30pm - 9:30pm
Thursday1:30pm - 9:30pm
Friday10:30am - 9:30pm
Saturday10:30am - 9:30pm
Sunday10:30am - 9:30pm

More Info
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Shopmobility at Union Square

Shopmobility Aberdeen is a charity whose aim is to increase independence, freedom, self esteem and choice for people with disabilities. We ask for £1 minimum donation for day use and for longer term use, a scale of charges apply.

We are a service dedicated to helping anyone with a mobility difficulty, be it temporary or permanent, who wishes to visit Aberdeen city centre to conduct business, enjoy our many visitor and cultural attractions or to visit the city’s wide variety of shops, leisure and business services.

We offer assistance to anyone experiencing a mobility or sensory impairment.

By providing the loan of a battery powered scooter, a battery powered wheelchair or a manual wheelchair to help ease your walking difficulty, and the assistance of a volunteer escort if required. Shopmobility Aberdeen is about freedom to get about the city centre.

Scooters and wheelchairs are available from the Shopmobility centre free of charge. Shopmobility is located off the first floor of the multi-storey car park, close to a number of disabled car parking bays.

Visit Website

Opening Hours

Opening hours
Tuesday10am - 5pm
Wednesday10am - 5pm
Thursday10am - 5pm
Friday10am - 5pm
Saturday10am - 5pm

01224 254338

Centre Map

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Union Square,
Guild Square,
AB11 5RG